3 Ways to slow the aging process and age healthily


Perhaps one of the comments I hear most often in my room, “I’ll tell you, Doc., Cooking is not for the feint willing! ‘

What does this really mean? Because negative effects of aging are so common that we have come to recognize that it is inevitable that, as we grow older, we will automatically suffer with ill health.

Form illness may differ significantly from discomfort -skeletal pain more difficult problems like arthritis, various cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension and stroke, to digestive conditions and of course the ultimate dreaded disease – cancer, to name only a few of the most common ailments we have almost come to expect will surface as the get older.

Is it really necessary to just take this as inevitable, or is it really something we can do?

Well, according to research from the United States the whole process of aging is coming under spot light

The aging is a natural process and as such is not necessarily associated with the main -. ease and often diseases. In fact, it may well be aspects of aging that is very desirable -. Wisdom for example

Because get chronologically older is a process that is inevitable that we should really be putting our attention on “aging. Aging is the term given to the process of age-related changes that adversely affect the energy and activity of the organism.

We’ve all known people in 70 of those 80 and often older who are hale and hearty, and the most common comment when around them is “If I can be like him or her when I’m 80 I’ll be quite happy.”

It is generally believed that aging is genetically determined and if we are unfortunate enough to have inherited the ‘unhealthy’ genes we will experience all the negative effects of aging

A study conducted by a group of researchers at the University in Pennsylvania found that only 20% -. 30% of our longevity is determined by our genes. In fact, Dr. Bruce Lipton, a well-known cell biologist, believes that genetic effects can actually be as much 5% – 10%. This means that at best 70% -. 80% and even up to 95% of how long we live and our quality of life, determined by the impact of the external environment on genes

This puts the responsibility for our health and longevity fairly and honestly every call us! It is no longer acceptable to blame anybody but ourselves for our state of health.

What can we do then to help us? Indeed, as it turns out, anti-aging research say that there is much we can do to prevent cellular damage.

There are three areas that need to be addressed when looking to take responsibility for our health, well-being and longevity: physical / our structural system, biochemical / nutritional system and psychological / our emotional system.

Let’s take a closer look at what this really means.

structure of our system consists of muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and connective tissue. The structure of the system is generally quite resilient, although the lifestyle we live today subject to this system to continue ‘Repeated. Repeated means causing the body to continuous, repetitive, such as driving or sitting behind a desk or computer.

Generally hectic life styles we live in today, or type of lifestyle that we created in our previous years, and the need to be busy all the time means we do not get enough R & R time. During rest bodies ‘repair teams’ become active, update power supplies, rebuild muscle, producing new cells and ‘recharging the batteries’. Depriving the body of rest and relaxation, not to mention sleep, and you put all body systems, physiological stress, which will eventually lead to a breakdown of tissue, revived aging and ultimately the manifestation of symptoms.

over My patients often ask me what the single most important thing is that I would recommend for an older person when it comes to the structure of the system. Well, with out a doubt it would increase tension.

As we age our muscles get weaker and smaller. The muscles are a source of energy and infrastructure support. A light resistance exercise, muscle strengthening systems, will offer remarkable support for many different body systems.

Other goods that we need to invest more thought and planning is a nutrition and bio-chemical system. Our bodies can actually be described as a complex chemical laboratories. Chemical occurring every second intermediate produce analgesics, antibiotics, cortisone, hormones, enzymes, energy molecules and thousands of other substances that keep us alive. These reactions are dependent on the wonderful stuff called food.

More important than food alone, it is the right type of food that is so important to the optimal functioning of our body. Every meal should contain a mixture of carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, bread, cereals), protein (fish, meat, chicken, nuts, seeds, cheese, eggs, beans, soy) and fats (olive oil, fish oil, flax oil). Meals should always eat while sitting down and not “on the run” and each mouthful should be chewed 20 times!

refined foods like sugar and white flour, processed foods like frozen meals and packaged foods, “Deli ‘meat and canned foods, fast food and junk foods are” nutrient deficiency’ and should be taken in moderation, if at all.

If these foods are used regularly depositing corpses punitive system under stress, resulting in the condition as ‘insulin resistance’, which has been directly linked to cardiovascular disease, adult initial diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels and with uric acid. The body is more prone to damage caused by free radicals, also directly related to prostitution aging. The body’s immune system is “up-regulated” is adrenal stimulation, resulting in many harmful effects of getting older such as increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, bowel disturbance reduced libido, fatigue, menopausal symptoms and the list goes on and on.

Finally need to consider psychological / our emotional system as it is this system that allows us to deal with stress. It is well known fact that the on-going stress makes us ‘feel’ old. Why is it though some are more negative effects of stress than others?

It is quite simple. We have learned response to certain stimuli that we are subjected to daily – time pressure, unnecessary deadlines perfectionism, dealing with on-going relationship problems, living in regret the past and fear the future, for example. These learned answers result in the production of certain “messenger molecules ‘(HRT) as norepinephrine and cortisol, which affect the” up-regulating’ almost all systems and cells in the body to to assist the body in dealing with chronic stress.

As time progresses the body becomes less and less able to cope, coping mechanisms become exhausted and start to falter and symptoms start manifesting.

In order to handle these stressful stimuli subconscious memory banks, the learned responses are stored, must be reprogrammed. Reprogramming negative stimuli in a positive is, admittedly, not easy, but it is not impossible.

Meditation, visualization and affirmations, when practiced regularly, there are techniques that will provide impetus for reprogramming. The amazing power of positive thinking, the cure tool, is becoming more and more accepted, even among some of the Die Hard traditionalist.

As we become more proficient at seeing all the positive light of the body is less shock and be accompanied by a process of “youthful aging”.

So it is not too late to take control, make necessary lifestyle changes that will add years to life and life to your years.
